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Sometimes Gardening is a Challenge but Most Always a Blessing.

Candace Flanagan • May 16, 2023

And That is True Whether your Garden is a Plant or Herb Garden or Your Garden of Life!

One of my favorite parables in the bible is the story of the withering fig tree. You know the one, where Jesus is walking with the apostles, and he is hungry. He sees this beautiful fig tree rich with leaves and fullness of life, yet no fruit. Truth be told from what I understand, it was not the season for fruit. But Jesus knew His journey and where He was going and decided this was an opportune time to use the fig tree as an analogy within a parable. He cursed the fig tree for the purpose of demonstration and sharing wisdom with his apostles. He said, "May no one eat of your fruit ever again." Mark 11:12-25. Referencing in general terms and with some liberties and assumptions taken... As they journeyed into Jerusalem, Jesus was seeing His Father's House no longer being used as a House of Prayer for all nations but, it was in actuality being used as a Den of Robbers. Jesus was very angry, turning tables over, driving out money changes and merchants who sold doves for sacrifice and more. The Chief Priests and Teachers heard about this rebellion, and they were concerned of the impact Jesus was having on the people. He was opening their eyes to truth which the Chief Priests and Teachers didn't agree. They could also see in this movement their personal interests of business gains would not be served well either. In their fear, they sought to have Jesus killed. The Chief Priests and Teachers, robed in clothing of authority, speaking as knowledgeable (and indeed they were) spoke in words that did not point to God's purpose but drove their own. Their minds were closed as were their eyes and they desired to please themselves, not God. The fruit of the Fig Tree is its purpose in life, the purpose of Chief Priests and Teachers is to help others learn and grow in God. When true purpose of life isn't fulfilled, one dies spiritually, mentally and/or physically. Jesus did not tell the fig tree to die, he said, "May no one eat of your fruit ever again" taking its purpose away, it withered. The Chief Priests and Teachers were not speaking in truth, they were not living as Godly examples and therefore, "may no one eat of your fruit ever again" is very befitting for them as they were spiritually and morally dead. The following verses through verse 22 include the apostle Peter saying as they depart Jerusalem, "Look, the fig tree has withered". In reply, Jesus responded with encouragement to keep faith in God (in His words and in His promises) and to remember that if you hold something against someone, you must forgive them so God can forgive you. In this Jesus is transitioning thought from the Old Testament of sacrificing animals to a new thought of forgiving others in order to be forgiven while living fully in God.  Jesus knows, He will be the last sacrifice that is pleasing and acceptable to God which He will offer (and has offered) freely to God for the purpose of salvation. Through His life, death and resurrection, all sin is forgiven, and we are redeemed.

The picture of my little fig tree tells the story of a tiny seed that struggled hard to survive year after year. This fig is about three years old now. In its first year, the frost almost killed it, there was no visible life left. I had faith in life stemming where it cannot be seen, it was somewhere deep within. With love, I was able to assist it back to life and with God's help, it survived. The second year it withstood the winter much better. I cannot bring every tree in the house, nor cover them all as we have so many. I do move them under shelter if possible and provide supporting care of water during the winter and move plants back to sunshine, whenever possible. Like people who or plants and herbs that survive the challenges of life, we all become stronger with love and care. People however must care for totality of mind, body and spirit in order to create healthy outcomes in all three areas. Doing so, provides an avenue to identify the individual full potential and purpose for life. Like the fig tree, we each have purpose we must recognize and serve, or we die of neglect in that purpose and this death can be spiritually, mentally and/or physically experienced, as one death affects the rest as a whole. Since purpose changes with time and circumstances in life, we must remain ever diligent and mindful of God's purpose for our life and provide love and care to our inner spirit which helps us recognize the change, the opportunity and the new purpose itself, so we can properly nurture that purpose and engage.

Our little fig tree has had figs on it even in year one, it knows its purpose and it is thriving. If you look at the top, you can see tiny buds and figs. There are far more tiny fruits of proof in the bottom section. Purpose and potential seem so clear cut for the little fig tree but for me, this is not always so easy. I look forward to enjoying some of the fig fruit while I continue to ponder the thought of what direction will I take in the role of Spiritual Direction next June.

The picture on top is one pepper plant hold two little peppers just getting ripe for picking that obviously were found delicious by something else. I will have to put a little red pepper around the plant or move it. This has not happened here before, even with my 15 pepper plants exploding in deliciousness last year. This reminds me that we must always remain vigilant in life to the little things that sneak-in, that undermine purpose, and which create damage. Sometimes they are things of our own making, other times, they are not. Probably more often than not, they are a combination of the two. We must remain vigilant to our purpose and cause and the steps along the way to achieve:  1 Peter 5:8

The question is now, "How are you tending to your mind, body and spirit garden?". If you need help in any of these areas, there are ways we can help through holistic health practices, through holistic herbalism and through spiritual work. Please see our services section on our website for more information. We would love to hear from you, please see our websites and contact information below:

Love and blessings,





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(2) Candace (Kilpatrick) Flanagan | LinkedIn


Disclaimer follows:

The content on our website, Facebook websites; brochures, etc., is for educational purposes only. Although we try to carefully provide useful and accurate information, you are responsible to research and verify information before relying on it. We are trained herbalists and not licensed or registered healthcare practitioners. We cannot diagnose health conditions, nor prescribe medicines legally; we are not medical doctors. However, we will recommend or suggest medicinal herbs for various health complaints, as we believe in the safety and efficacy of botanical medicine.

The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. You are responsible for your own health. As with conventional medicine, herbal medicine is vast and complex, and must be used responsibly. People react differently to different remedies. Some herbs are contraindicated with certain pharmaceutical drugs. 

Furthermore, some helpful herbs may be confused with harmful and/or deadly substances. 


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